Meyerovich Gallery - San Francisco, CA

Pablo Picasso:
Studio and Spectacle


1881 Born on October 25, in Malaga Spain
1895 Family moves to Barcelona
Picasso becomes student at the School of Fine Arts
1897 Picasso admitted to the Royal Academy in Madrid
1900 First trip to Paris
1901 Beginning of Blue Period
1904 Moves into the Bateau-Lavoir in Paris
1905 Beginning of Rose Period
1906 Meets Matisse
1907 Paints Les Demoiselles D’Avignon
1908 Collaborates with Braque, Beginning of Cubist Period
1918 Marries Olga Kokhlova
1919 Beginning of Classical style
1921 Birth of Paolo, son of Olga & Picasso
1927 Meets Marie-Therese Walter
Begins illustration of Le Chef d’oeuvre Inconnu
1928 Minotaur first appears in Picasso’s art
1931 Le Chef d’oeuvre Inconnu published
1935 Birth of Maya, daughter of Marie-Therese & Picasso
Olga and Picasso separate
1936 Meets photographer Dora Maar
1937 Paints Guernica
1943 Meets painter Francoise Gilot
1947 Birth of Claude, son of Francoise & Picasso
1949 Birth of Paloma, daughter of Francoise & Picasso
1953 Francoise and Picasso separate
1954 Meets Jacqueline Roque
1955 Olga dies
1958 Publishes first linoleum cut
1961 Marries Jacqueline
1968 Creates 347 Series
1971 Celebrates 90th birthday
Creates 156 Series
1973 Death of Picasso, April 8 at Mougins